But why does Calvin begin that very section of his Institutes [3.23.8] by objecting to the word permission? Clearly the will of God is not always being done on earth. The chapter on God’s providence likewise says that when God ordains what will come to pass, “neither is God the author of sin, nor is violence offered to the will of the creatures; nor is the liberty or contingency of second causes [a category that includes the human … God was sincere in His command. Therefore the god of Calvinism is a sinner. 61:8; Zec. God has taken a great interest in His creation and is deeply concerned with it. In other words, we are not portraying God as reluctantly suffering that which He is powerless to forestall. God told His people to “put away evil” from among them (Deut. All throughout the Bible, we see God’s condemnation of sin. NO Absolute Evil in the Universe. If it was not their fault, but was secretly God’s fault, then they would not have deserved any punishments whatsoever. Their nature did not force them to do what was good, nor did their nature force them to do what was evil. This video refutes the blasphemous charge that God is the author of sin, made by Calvinism, Lutheranism, Paganism, and Islam. So while they might deny teaching that God is the “author of sin” because He is not the “second cause,” they essentially say that He is the cause of sin because they say He is the first cause of it. If they are upset with me rejecting Calvinism or for my theology, they would be upset with the secret, immutable, irresistible, and eternal will of God! God is pleased with men when they live holy (1 Thes. Calvinism teaches that God prefers sin over holiness in every instance that sin occurs. lassic Calvinism does teach, of course, that God's eternal decree is a binding verdict that set everything in motion toward a predetermined end, and God remains sovereign in the outworking of His providence. bring forth,” and “fashion.”62 It makes sense that they should loathe themselves for their sin, since they are the authors and creators of their sin. Copyright © 2001 by Phillip R. Johnson. That is because mankind has been created by God as free moral agents, who have wills of their own, who are capable of choosing His will or rejecting it. 6:16-17). The distinctions between various kinds of causes are long-established differentiations—elementary concepts of truth and logic that go back at least as far as Aristotle. Aug. 24, 2009 (henceforth known as time t). Or for how many girls are sold into the sex trade? With ones such as you, it is essentially love and nobility–God as arch-philosopher, as I tend to think of it. 6:10). God was prepared in the same way that an airplane would have a parachute on it before it crashes. 11:6; 14:22; 15:26; 15:34; 16:7; 16:19; 16:30; 21:20; 22:52; 2 Kin. If their nature necessitated their choices and they sinned, God must have given them a sinful nature. Yet, despite the effort and influence of God, they sinned. Sinful humans are the ones who commit sin and are guilty of sin, not God, in the same way that an author is not the one who commits the evil actions of characters in a book. God’s eternal decree for sin was “thou shalt not” (Exo. Your nature does not cause your will. But God’s revealed will cannot be a lie, because God cannot lie (Tit. ", The Final Cause—that for the sake of which something happens, The Efficient Cause—the agent whose action produces the effect, The Material Cause—the substance that gives being to the effect, The Formal Cause—the shape, pattern, definition, or species of the effect, My friend, without my consent, robs a bank to get money to help pay my medical bills. In effect, they are claiming that God, if sovereign, must always be the effectual agent and immediate cause of every action. God did not say, “I make righteousness and create evil.” Evil is not contrasted with righteousness but is contrasted with peace, because the evil referred to is calamity. And there’s the line for me between “acceptable” and “unacceptable” Calvinism. Posted by steve at 8:15 PM. For example, if a man uses a gun to kill another person, the courts will hold the man accountable, not the gun! “For thou hast said in thine heart, I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God, I will sit also upon the mount of the congregation, in the sides of the north: I will ascend above the heights of the clouds; I will be like the most High” (Isa. God takes pleasure in righteousness and God created us for His pleasure. The atonement was first spoken of in definite terms after the fall, when God predicted the crushing of the serpent’s head by the seed of the women (Gen. 3:15). When men would worship idols and false gods, the Lord said that they were doing what “he commanded them not” (Lev. A person’s character is what he is in secret! 1:17). Sin was not the will of God but was a rebellion against His will. “Who… can say, Thou hast wrought iniquity?” (Job 36:23) To “wrought” iniquity, in the Hebrew, means to “make” or “ordain” it.46 How could we say “I will…ascribe righteousness to my Maker” (Job 36:3), if God is the maker of sin? Given that John Calvin’s theology is based on a combination of Scripture, the experience of his heart, and the writings of Augustine, we can begin to understand why his writings are so full of contradictions. God created everything “good” and He wanted it to stay that way. Effectively, it boils down to what defines a “proper” divinity–perfect ideals, or perfect power? God does not even tempt anyone to sin, let alone cause anyone to sin (Jas. Arminians often insist that if "God from all eternity did, by the most wise and holy counsel of his own will, freely and unchangeably ordain whatsoever comes to pass" (Westminster Confession of Faith, III.1) then He must be morally responsible for evil. Jesus hated their doctrine! They assume that if God brings about evil in any sense, he must therefore approve it and deserve the blame. God was ready for the fall, but God did not plan the fall. The Bible describes God and the devil as enemies, not friends. Calvinism says that God caused the damnation of all, so that He could predestine the salvation of the few. 5:1-4). Omnibenevolence cannot be trusted, only the most pitiless omnipotence, no matter how much agony the greater part of creation will suffer through eternity. While Calvinism says that “God has decreed the existence of evil,” the God of the Bible says, “Woe unto them that decree unrighteous decrees…” (Isa. But Christ was not actually slain until the foundation of the world (Rev. The moral condition of the earth is that of degeneracy, a state of corruption. 20:43). Zanchius said, “Both the elect and the reprobates were foreordained to sin, as sin, that the glory of God might be declared thereby.”54 The Bible expressly condemns the maxim: “Let us do evil, that good may come” (Rom. Cornelius Van Til said, “…it was God’s will that sin should come into the world. In other words, Calvin does not make God the efficient cause of everything. According to Brown’s Dictionary of the Bible, the Nicolaitans “imputed their wickedness to God as the cause…”19 Jesus said, “…the doctrine of the Nicolaitans, which thing I hate” (Rev. Certainly, if the sinfulness and damnation of mankind was the will of God, He would need to keep His will a secret because this would be contrary to the well-being of His universe and would demand the disapproval of the minds of the moral beings in His universe. God gave us a moral law and gave us the ability to obey it or disobey it. In fact, when he decided to rebel against God, he said in his “heart” “I will” five times. God knew that they were capable of obeying His law, which is why He commanded them to do so; and the devil knew that they were capable of disobeying God’s law, which is why he tempted them to do so. God had created them for a relationship with Him; but now through sin, that relationship with interrupted and disturbed. That is because God never wanted sin to occur but wants men to be righteous. 11:35) shows that He does not always get what He wants. Charge: Calvinism Makes God the Author of Sin. Cease your evil-speaking, ye who ought to speak well of Him, and to bestow all honour upon Him.”5. The moral law was not impossible for them to obey, since they were created in the image of God. The Bible says, “he looked that it should bring forth grapes, and it brought forth wild grapes… What could have been done more to my vineyard, that I have not done in it?” (Isa. Therefore, the fall of Adam occurred despite the efforts of God to avoid it. We are to pray “Thy will be done in earth” (Matt. Does Calvinism Make God the Author of Evil? Most certainly I have with set purpose taken up the case of God and demonstrated with utter clarity that God is not the author of sin. It would make no sense for God to command them to do what they cannot do, or for the devil to tempt them to do what cannot be done. If sin is God’s plan, we should rejoice over sin! Sproul and Cheung, however, seem VERY concerned with the totality of God’s sovereignty. This is because God did not want them to sin and hoped to influence them not to by bringing to their attention the negative consequences of such a choice. A simple Bible study reveals that God has a serious problem with sin, but is God the cause of His own problem? There are those who believe that Adam and Eve did not have the power or ability to obey the law that God had given them. W1 is a world in which I do sin at 8:15 PM on Mon. 11:10; Isa. If their secret activity is revealed, their rescue work doesn’t seem so wonderful anymore. Because God wants worship, and God wants love. 6:16; Isa. 1.Hyper-Calvinism: Beliefs: God is the author of sin and man has no responsibility before God. “The just Lord… will not do iniquity” (Zep. Share to Twitter Share to Facebook Share to Pinterest. Why should we ever be upset with sin, if sin is God’s plan or if He secretly causes it? God did not create what He hates; neither did He create us to do what He hates! Before man is life and death, whichever he chooses shall be given him.”41. 1:9). The Infra or Sublapsarians declare that the Views of the Supralapsarians legitimately make God the Author of Sin, SECTION IV. It is Allah of the Quran of whom it is said “whom [he] pleases he causes to err, and whom he pleases he puts on the right way.”20 But when Paul asked the question, is “Christ the minister of sin?” he promptly answered the question with a stern “God forbid!” (Gal. If sinners have acted according to the actual will of God, they are not really rebels at all. Men cannot blame themselves for their sin unless they know that they are the cause of their sin. And God would not appear to His universe as “merciful” for pardoning men for doing what He caused them to do! The fact that “Jesus wept” (Jn. God is so confident in the moral character that He has chosen and is sure of the moral sense that He has placed in man that He does not discourage man from doing this, but He actually encourages it. He didn’t want Adam to sin. Jesus stated a self-evident truth of reason when he said “A good tree cannot bring forth evil fruit, neither can a corrupt tree bring forth good fruit” (Matt. But as for a ‘Thus saith the Lord’ for the doctrine, there is no such thing to be found between the backs of the Bible.”69. I have often wondered if everything is caused by God, why do Calvinists get upset with me for rejecting Calvinism? But isn't it still the case that God's decree ultimately causes "whatsoever comes to pass"? It was God who had commanded them not to sin (Gen. 2:16-17; 3:11; 3:17). If Calvinism is true, a person is ungodly if they don’t want sin to exist! 2:26) if they choose to. “Because thou hast hearkened unto the voice of thy wife…” (Gen. 3:17). See that you make not God the author of sin, by charging his sacred decree with men’s miscarriages, as if that were the cause or occasion of them; which we are sure that it is not, nor can be, any more than the sun can be the cause of darkness. 1:2) and therefore He did not give Adam and Eve a false impression when He commanded them not to sin, but He actually did not want them to sin. Clement of Alexandria said, “In no respect is God the author of evil. But He was disappointed when they brought forth wild grapes. The Bible speaks of those who “did that which was evil in the sight of the Lord” (Num. The reason that God calls sinners to repentance and punishes them for their sin is because their sin is not His will. The Bible talks about those who did “that which was right in his own eyes” (Jdg. They sought to gratify their natural desires in an unnatural and unlawful way, through means which God did not plan for them. Organized crime will seek to commit their crimes in secret or to hide their actions because if their activity were publicly known, it would not be approved of by the public. 10:1; Deut. 45:19). It does not mean that God created moral evil. 4:11). He is the one who secretly eternally decreed it! While God granted Adam and Eve the ability to sin or not to sin by giving them a free will, and He gave them the opportunity to sin or not to sin by placing them in the Garden with the forbidden tree, it was not God who actually tempted them to sin in the sense of suggesting it to their minds. In my mind, this would make both the child and the rapist victims of Gods fatalistic will! i.e. Where Martin Luther got the idea that man’s sinfulness was “according to His own will” or that God “makes us necessarily damnable” is a very good question. 12:33). I have asked Calvinists, “Is God angry and grieved with sin?” They have answered, “Yes.” Then I’ve asked, “Was sin the secret Sovereign plan of God?” They have answered, “Yes.” Then I’ve asked, “So you’re saying that God is angry and grieved with His own secret Sovereign plan?” They don’t know how to answer that. Therefore, mankind was created to live holy! 1Co 14:33 – For God is not the author of confusion, but of peace, as in all churches of the saints. A good, God authoring sin, is a self-evident falsehood. While Adam blamed God and his wife for his sin (Gen. 3:12), and Eve blamed the serpent for her sin (Gen. 3:13), God blamed each individual for their sin. If God secretly decrees sin, God would secretly be sinful! As Eusebius said, “Every rational soul has naturally a good free-will, formed for the choice of what is good.”2 Clement of Alexandria said, “This was the law from the first, that virtue should be the object of voluntary choice.”3 By granting Adam and Eve the freedom of doing wrong, God gave them the freedom of doing right. Gordon C. Olson said, “Beloved, when God had made such glorious and blessed plans for His creature man, and man had forsaken the great heart of God for sinful pleasure, and further, grew worse and worse, can we form any conception of the sorrow and grief that came upon the blessed Trinity when they ‘saw’ such wickedness? God loves righteousness but hates sin (Prov. The best criminal defense a person could have in court would be, “It’s not my fault. He could not charge them for what He was guilty of! They had no sin nature. Both God and the devil presented to the minds of Adam and Eve considerations in order to influence the decisions of their free will. 4:7). 4:4) and that “God hath made men upright…” (Ecc. The proto-Arminians were saying that God has somehow chosen to limit His sovereignty and therefore He has no sovereign control over evil. iii) Ergo, Calvinism makes God the author of sin As Wesley might say, "Such blasphemy this theory of verbal inspiration, as one would think might make the ears of a Christian to tingle!" God is the author of the author of sin, He cannot be the author of sin itself, for sin is the result of a rebellion against God. Truthfulness is the foundation of trustworthiness, but what confidence can one have in the character of a person who doesn’t mean what he says? And hell was not created for mankind (Matt. Consider these truths in logical syllogisms: If God’s will was always done, sin would never have occurred and everyone would be saved. 2:5) “O my people, what have I done unto thee? For that reason, temptation can be considered good in this sense, which is why we should count it a joy when we are tempted (Jas. 1:2); and therefore, God says He doesn’t want us to sin and He means it! 3:8). And John Calvin said, “Whatever things are done wrongly and unjustly by man, these very things are the right and just works of God.”64 God cannot be a worker of iniquity and not be a worker of iniquity at the same time. Unless the Bible was written to give us false impressions, God did not want Adam and Eve to sin. With infinite desire, He wants our universe to be sinless and perfect. 32:35). But there is more than one sense of the word cause. But if the devil is a free moral being, who has chosen to sin contrary to the will of God, then it is God who is good and the devil that is evil! 4:1; Heb. A person has good moral character if they could do what is wrong but choose to do what is right instead. “To do justice and judgment is more acceptable to the Lord than sacrifice” (Prov. Yet they chose to sin.”11 James Arminius said, “The efficient cause of that transgression was man, determining his will to that forbidden object and applying his powers or capability to do it… Man therefore sinned by his free will…”12. But that doesn’t mean that the airline, who secures the airplanes with parachutes, is planning to crash the plane! We are! There is a real war going on between God and the devil for the allegiance of man’s free will. If God causes all things… why does the Bible say: Jas 1:13 – Let no man say when he is tempted, I am tempted of God: for God cannot be tempted with evil, neither tempteth he any man. Yet the Bible says that God cannot lie (Tit. The Calvinistic interpretation of God hardening the heart of the Pharoah , so that he ends up sinning , makes God the author of sin.Similairly , by hardening the hearts of majority of humans and allowing them to remain in the sin of unbelief , God becomes the author of sin according to Calvinism. Calvinism makes God to be the author of sin, if the calvinist would like to be consistent with his own doctrines. This passage shows that sin was the result of man’s own free will and God is not to be blamed in any way. Now why did God give the angels freedom, and why does God give us freedom? W2 is a world in which I do not sin at time t. This was the fight for the allegiance of man’s will. CHAPTER I. But if Calvinism is true, God is not only the author of confusion, but He is the author of everything! He then said, “I am not accusing God of sinning; I am suggesting that he created sin,”47 as if creating sin and sinning were two different things. 7:30; ). 13:18; Jer. God is the perfect author of the perfect story. The allegation is usually based on a confusion of Reformed theology with fatalism or determinism. (Arch-dandy? If sin was God’s will and God commands us to hate sin, then God commands us to hate His own will! It was intended to solve the difficulties which earlier thinkers had raised with reference to the beginnings of existence and the relations of the one and many. 11 Don’t blame the Lord for your sin; the Lord does not cause what he hates. 3. It is not saying that Satan was a liar from his creation. Calvinists will even try to use the Bible to teach that God is the Creator of sin. 2:15). Therefore Lucifer sinned, not because of the good nature that God created him with, but because of his own will or decision to do so. God does not make men damnable because God does not make men sinful. Doing what was right or doing what was wrong was not determined by their nature, but was determined by their free will. 5:3). God is not the author or creator of sin in any way whatsoever. 2:11; 3:7; 3:12; 4:1; 6:1; 10:6; 13:1; 1 Sam. God the Efficient Cause of Sin, SECTION III. 17 You have a choice between life and death; you will get whichever you choose. A sinner is someone who creates sin. Morally, this world is chaotic and in disarrangement. John Calvin said, “The first man fell because the Lord deemed it meet that he should.”13 Piscator said, “God made Adam and Eve to this very purpose, that they might be tempted and lead into sin. And therefore every move of Satan is part of God’s overall purpose and plan.”50 If it is blasphemy of the Holy Spirit to prescribe the works of the Holy Spirit to the devil (Matt. Adam and Eve were justly held responsible for their sin because the law that God had given them was not at all impossible for them to keep. “Yea, surely God will not do wickedly” (Job 34:12). Yet, this is maxim is precisely what Calvinism teaches. When Israel would sacrifice their children to idols, God said to them, “ye pollute yourselves” (Eze. 12:9; 1 Kin. But just as God allowed Satan to tempt Job, not to destroy his character but to prove his character and faithfulness (Job 1:8-12), God allowed Satan to tempt Adam and Eve, not so that they would sin, but to give them the opportunity of being genuinely loyal to Him. This would lead us to believe that the opposite of the Bible might be true if God was in the habit of publicly saying one thing when secretly the opposite is true. Likewise Christ was ordainedbefore the foundation of the world (1 Pet. Them ( Deut them for putting them out that ye have committed ” ( Isa and power. ) ever..., while the devil as enemies, not Adam s declaration when He wanted it to stay that.. Calvinism make God the efficient cause of every action never does Calvin suggest that God is not guilty of ''! 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