Recently I decided to play through Skyrim as a pure mage so I wanted to share how I built my character. I'm also playing a pure mage, wearing the arch-mages robes and the morokei mask. » The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim » Pure mage gear. 2.4 Enchanting; 2.5 Combining magic with other skills (as a pure mage) 3 Non-Pure Mage Classes That Specialize in Magic. This allows them to invest more into heavy armor and magic becoming masters of all elements (if they should chose to). Armor also has zero weight when equipped. The Pure Mage is the basic build for a magic oriented character. Will they be a "pure mage" or will you mix skills from either the warrior or thief trees, or both? Mages are one of the most interesting, fun-to-play character builds in Skyrim. This turns some of your incoming spell damage into more magicka for you to protect yourself and destroy your enemies with. Magicka: 3 (75%) | Health: 1 (25%) | Stamina: 0. This being said, I still find the Atronach stone more useful. Fortifies magicka by 50 points and grants 50% spell absorption. A charismatic mage etc. Drop me a line below with any feedback,  questions or suggestions of your own. A valuable skill for any character but perhaps even more vital as a pure mage with no physical armor. Altmer have the racial abilities Highborn and Fortify Magicka. This will allow you to spam your healing spells indefinitely and (slowly but surely) level your Restoration. If your playstyle emphasizes stealth definitely look into investment in this school. At this point the classification of the mask as light armour won’t matter any more in relation to the Mage Armour perk. Finding this dwarven automatons difficult? I picked Breton for the magic resistance among other things. Skyrim: The Best & Worst Things About Playing A Mage. Pickpocket can be fun and useful but is another one that's highly subject to your character's backstory. How to create a Skyrim pure mage build (no weapons, no armor) from scratch on Legendary difficulty.Help keep REAL walkthroughs alive on Youtube. Today I present the Electromancer, a sister build alongside the Pyromancer and the Cryomancer, meant to round out elemental magic in Skyrim. Yes, you can. You’ll also want to have unlocked the Adept Conjuration perk. Keep leveling until you get the perk to conjure two dremora Lords at once.Now you have strong protection and can delve into higher level areas like Solthsiem while you’re still at a relatively low character level. Once you have Soul Trap all you need to do is find a dead body and cast it repeatedly on said corpse. I found that this school was most suited to a sneaky thief style of gameplay, and I wanted to save my skillpoints for the other magic schools that helped me build an unstoppable full frontal assault style battle mage.If you’re interested in how to best use Illusion and level up super fast, check out my blog post ‘Skyrim Assassin Build: The Best Sneak Build In Skyrim‘, which was completely built around illusion magic. Drop a single point in it (if you want), it doesn't really break the idea of a pure mage. I've found that playing Pure Mages on the master difficulty can be one of the most challenging experiences video games currently have to offer. 1. Which schools of magic will you focus on? This is especially true with spells as you need a good amount of magicka or perks invested (ideally both) to cast higher level spells. Levitating objects, paralysing your foes, wrapping yourself in dragonhide, repelling the undead and conjuring powerful allies can make you an unstoppable force. harrasing a a horse), you’ll also be levelling up naturally as you play as you’ll be using destruction magic in every combat encounter. Percival (or Pixel or both) this is a killer build! Non-Boring Skyrim Character Build 1 – The Tank Mage. If you’re interested in tips on how to level up and use enchanting you can check out my blog post ‘How To Be A Monk In Skyrim: Unarmed Healer Build‘ which used enchanting to buff up my monk’s unarmed prowess. It’s nice to have something to do with all those fish, herbs and mushrooms.In our mage build, I also recommend using your Alchemy to keep yourself stocked up with health and magic potions for those moments when you need a little boost mid-combat. That said, for most new players, there is too much freedom, meaning you can easily spread yourself too thin and end up with a literal "jack of all master of none" character that just isn't viable towards the mid to end game and on higher difficulties. Put most of your points into magicka, as nearly everything you do in the game will require it. It can also be absolutely nerve wracking and frustrating - especially if you turn up the difficulty in the game at all. Why not magic yourself up some friends? Heavy Armor. The College is the go-to faction for any pure mage characters and can help you get a headstart on learning a bunch of spells. If we look at the pre-made classes in Oblivion, the following specialize in magic but are not technically "pure" mages. Perks spent here also provide some other great bonuses like permanently improving your magic resistance. Elder Scrolls and Fallout community: character builds, lore, discussions and more. Hi mael, I have voted to close this question as this question details quite well the playstyle you'd need to adopt to play Skyrim successfully as a pure mage. Playing as a mage can be an incredibly enjoyable way to tackle Skyrim, albeit challenging at times. The minor skills listed below aren’t essential for a mage user, but they’re incredibly useful for any playstyle in Skyrim. The extra carry weight can be useful if you’re doing a whole bunch of looting and selling. Playing a magic-focused build in Skyrim can be a great deal of fun, but it has its drawbacks. Note: While loading screen trivia states that Breton blood grants a 50% resistance to magic, the actuall buff is only 25%. Maybe you started off on the streets before learning magic from a book you were able to steal or buy (with stolen cash). If you’re in the same boat I recommend giving a Breton mage a go.Breton Dovahkin start with Conjure Familiar, have good magic resistance (+ 25%) and good starting levels for magic skills (with an extra high boost of +10 to Conjuration). I hope this guide has helped give you since inspiration for your own Skyrim mage adventure. That's right: no clunky armour or clumsy weapons - trust only in the power of your own magicka, cool robes, one enchanted dagger, and a few potions to keep you going. I’ve tried to keep this to a minimum. While there are a number of ways to power-level destruction (e.g. Why? I also didn’t use Enchanting in this build as I wanted to focus on the other skill trees. Kind of hard (but not impossible) to justify the pure mage's ability with lockpicking as it's not something one would just "pick" up (puns for days). This is especially relevant to our build considering the lack of stamina investment. You prefer to skulk/sneak around before engaging the enemy. Difficulty: Adept. The only downside here is the magicka cost, but if you’ve been putting all your attribute points into magicka and are using equipment like the Arch Mage’s Robes and standing stone buffs like the Atronarch Stone your Magicka pool will be easily sufficient. The goal is … You’ll level up Conjuration extremely fast. In the mid to late game Alchemy can be one of the best money-makers in Skyrim. As mentioned earlier it is vitally important for giving you increased damage resistance both magical and physical. If you’re keen on playing a magic based character but also like hitting things with swords you might like to check out this guide for the best spellsword and battlemage builds. Unlike the other magic focused builds we’ve covered so far, the True Mage relies on magic and magic alone. A set of Adept Alteration Robes wouldn’t hurt either. Due to its association with dark forces, as a school, conjuration is often frowned upon by mainstream society.Necromancers tend to make heavy use of this school of magic to raise the dead, where as more traditional law-abiding mages will stick to summoning elemental atronachs. Honestly I don’t have a hard and fast opinion on the balancing in Skyrim. The most common type is the Pure Mage, who has a good balance of everything. You may think that the first magic skill tree that you want to focus on is Destruction. There are a few ways to make gold fast in Skyrim. Grab a small object like a basket or wine bottle with your Telekinesis spell and point it straight up. Secondary Skills: None! Because you won’t be putting a lot of points into health and stamina in this build, the lady stone can help keep you alive and running a bit longer. If I was smart I would have chosen Altmer for my last mage playthrough, but I wanted something different. 2.1 The pure mage; 2.2 Best race for a mage; 2.3 Which schools of magic will you focus on? Also the fact that you don’t need armour or weapons will mean you’ll need the carry weight buff less. Plan the build for your Skyrim character! Skyrim is a registered trademark of Bethesda Softworks. Skyrim Pure Mage Build. These give you a massive boost to damage reduction. 4. Do what you want with this build and change it however you want to fit your game. It’s also a hell of a lot of fun. Or if you want some advice on building your own magic wielding character keep reading below. Primary Skills: Destruction. Once you’ve raised Conjuration to level 75, unlock the Expert Conjuration perk. Highborn gives you the ability to regenerate magicka faster for 60 seconds (once per day). 35:05. Because you’re not going to be putting many attribute points into health, investing in Restoration is crucial. Because he’s a creepy bastard and it brings me great pleasure to repeatedly set him on fire. The latter starts you off with an extra 50 magicka in your pool. Try to get as close to a 90 degree angle as possible. 0 0. jameilious. After all, it’s your bread and butter as far as combat goes. Play style: The tank mage LIKES to get hit. This guide will look at building a pure magic character mostly from an RP perspective but will also consider gameplay aspects. Here's a look at everything you need to know about them. Fits perfectly with a mage. Hopefully some great magic mods come out for Skyrim: Special Edition that grant a longer duration for mage armor. Unlock Apprentice Conjuration as soon as available so you can cast Soul Trap for half magicka and level even faster. If you search online for tips on how to get the most out of destruction magic, you’ll find a lot of people advising to try magic balancing mods. In addition to healing spells, the restoration school offers perks to improve magicka regeneration rate. This is probably the least necassary skill out of the list. True Mage. 9 years ago. Alteration spells and perks allow you to withstand whatever gets thrown at you while your magicka regenerates mid battle.That’s mostly thanks to the Mage Armour perks in this skill tree. The reduction in equipped armour weight is irrelevant as you’ll be wearing light cloth. Choose one (your favorite) branch of Fire/Ice/Shock to follow. This is easy enough to do by visiting a court wizard like Farengar Secret-Fire in Whiterun. Attack the merchant. Buy levels off him and then sell looted treasure items back to him to recoup some of your money. A battlemage, as opposed to an arcane warrior or spellsword, is more mage than warrior. Un-perked. When you finish the College of Winterhold quests and become the new Arch Mage, you gain ownership of the Archmage’s Quarters, which includes a rich alchemical resource in the form of your own personal rare ingredients garden. Conjuration can be used to summon minions from oblivion or resurrect the dead to keep your enemies occupied, soak damage and provide additional damage. They now have a restocked inventory and a full purse of gold and you still have the gold that you recently acquired from them. They are learned in most schools of magic and may utilize alchemy to further bolster their abilities. Sell them your stuff until they’re out of gold. Catch the object on its way down again. Until you unlock Speech perks like Investor and Master Trader, this is going to be a slow and tedious process. As you’ll only be wearing light clothing you’ll move fast anyway. Decreases magicka regeneration by 50%. Just purely magic. Some of these can be used un-perked which can help you justify their use by a pure mage. If you only use fire spells you’re going to have a bad time. The best race in Skyrim for a pure mage build is almost definitely the Altmer (High Elf). Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Mage Guide. Rush Magicka, but remember to give some points into Health and Stamina as well. I know its brought on by FNIS as i tried removing it all together once and loaded up to find all the NPCs acting normal. It’s fun too. That said, you can wear some simple armor until you train up alteration , i.e. Once you level up you can get 5 more skill levels off him. Next,  buy the Conjure Dremora Lord spell book from old mate Phinis at the college of Winterhold. This is a good alternative to the Mage stone if you want help boosting your alchemy, speech and lockpicking at the same time as your core mage skills. Some small points that I’d mention is to jump into the College of Winterhold quests as soon as possible. Slower adversaries are fodder for their arrows, not advised to get up close with enemies of greater strength". Digital Enthusiast. Once you have Equilibrium simply cast it in one hand (draining 25 health per second and converting it into magicka) while casting a healing spell in the other. Also, when you unlock the Restoration perk Respite your healing spells will also restore stamina. Pure Mage 80 #402531. Then when you need extra magicka and just use the Alteration spell Equilibrium to swap some of your health for magicka. You’ll need to switch between a number of spells and powers to take full advantage of the magic arsenal at your disposal.If you struggle with aiming ranged weapons you also may find some combat frustrating. No matter how you play Skyrim you’re going to need gold and you’re going to spend a lot of time collecting loot. Destruction will be the main damage school of magic for the majority of mages. Writer. If you don’t like pausing mid battle, a mage build might not be for you. Furthermore, depending on your character's backstory/beliefs etc., enchanting may not be an option given the dark nature of this practice (souls are used to power enchantments). 1 Mage Builds To Try in Skyrim. Do not enchant or use smithing! The power to influence the mind should never be underestimated. While undeniably useful, enchanting is not an absolute requirement. So before diving into magic it's worth first considering the type of magic user you will be. Plus if you’re anything like me, you can’t help collecting any cool alchemical ingredient you wander past. Rinse and repeat. When you start the game, after the intro, catch a carriage ride from Whiterun straight to Winterhold and head up to the college. A nightblade is basically a magically-enhanced scout or assassin skilled in the art of stealth. Certain spells are essential for the up-and-coming mage: finding these spells early can make your mage … Definitely worth leveling and perking this tree alongside your main damage dealing skills/spells. All I can say is that I’ve always been a vanilla Skyrim player and still end up with a powerful pure mage through the use of power levelling and strategy. You can either dual-cast to deal more damage, or you could have a healing spell in the one hand whilst having a defensive spell/staff in the other. Playing a Mage in Skyrim can be a rewarding and intense experience. Playing a pure mage in Skyrim can be a fun, rewarding experience. This life changing perk allows you to sell any non-stolen item to any merchant in the game. Combining magic with other skills (as a pure mage), Non-Pure Mage Classes That Specialize in Magic. Like with the Atronach Stone, the Apprentice Stone’s nerf can be balanced out with other aspects of your build.If you went with Breton as your race you already have a 25% magic resistance. Follow the video below to find and loot Collete’s hidden chest for some basic Restoration robes and whatever spells you want. Do NOT follow this link or you will be banned from the site! Gives 50 additional points of armor rating and 25% to magic resistance. This build focuses heavily on magic and mostly ignores the use of weapons or armor. Mage Build #2: Controller. The fact that they use heavy armor and block, and that comparisons are made between spellswords and knights implies that they stand toe-to-toe with enemies. Try switching to an electric based spell. These "tank" mages make use of heavy armor (like spellswords) but all of their damage comes from destruction magic. Once you run out of magicka, just wait for one hour to replenish it and continue.You should be able to level yourself from your starting Conjuration level (25 if you chose Breton as your race) to 100 in less than half an hour. 3.1 Battlemage; 3.2 Spellsword; 3.3 Nightblade; 3.4 Sorcerer; 3.5 Witch Hunter I'm leaning towards going 100 percent spell absorption with the atronach stone, but I still want to utilize conjuration. If you don’t want to wait for it to randomly appear in a court wizard inventory you can visit Phinis Gestor the Conjuration Master in the College of Winterhold. I just love lockpicking in the game and this skill tree makes it easier (and more profitable). Magicka regenerates 100% faster but you take twice as much magic damage. Follow us to occasionally hear about awesome builds and Skyrim news. An effective mage build is going to require you to think about the type of enemy you’re facing in each encounter. You want to wait until you’ve unlocked master alteration spells and are using Dragonhide (rather than earlier mage armour spells). Every character regardless of race starts with the fire destruction spell. It can get lonely out there in the wastelands. Unlike a battlemage who prefers to keep his distance, resorting to close combat only when necessary. If you want to carry more looted stuff you can always use a follower or carry weight enchantments. Race-specific abilities, bonuses and resistances are another thing to consider. As a pure mage your primary means of defense, mage armor, comes from this school. This is going to be the most effective when you’ve got a decent magicka pool to play with. Let them take care of almost any threat for you while you chip in with the occasional fireball and spend your time picking mushrooms and looting. Best Mage Build in "The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim" 1.Pure Mage. Skyrim is the homeland of the Nords, a fierce and proud warrior people who are used to the bitter cold and mountanous terrain that mark the lands of Skyrim. When we think of a pure mage, we think robes, no armor and no weapons, therefore the warrior trees are not really compatible. I believe this couldn’t be further from the truth. ... Hey guys I am New To modding Skyrim in general and can use some help fixing FNIS TPosing. You can pick up and steal heaps of common and rare alchemy ingredients in the Hall of Countenance. Alteration is the key to staying alive as a mage. This will be your main form of combat, so level it up as quickly as possible, buy the best spells. Witch Hunters fight fire with fire, making it their mission to rid the world of necromancers, daedra worshippers and mages that have become corrupted by power. Melee, stealth, and magic are all covered by a certain mask. It will use magic AND weapons preferably bound otherwise it wouldn't be a pure mage The starting buff of +5 skill points to Speech is also useful as we’ll be raising speech to at least 50 to unlock the Merchant perk. Increases health and stamina regeneration by 25%. Plus it’s in the first set of stones you come across after escaping Helgan. The spellsword makes use of blade and destruction for damage with illusion thrown in for crowd control. Every build in Skyrim has an accompanying Dragon Priest mask to enhance a particular playstyle. If you're looking for a mage build to pickup and play checkout any of these. Skyrim: Mage Build Guide. 3. All races start with the flames (destruction) and healing (restoration) spells but some races come with an extra spell, effectively giving them even more of a head start in certain schools of magic. This allows for a phenomenal amount of freedom when it comes to building your character. You'll likely have to on higher difficulties anyway. I didn’t utilise Illusion in my pure mage build. Equilibrium: Make sure to get this Alteration spell book during the College of Winterhold questline, in Labyrinthian Chasm. 0. In terms of perk investment, It's usually a good idea to master a single elemental (fire, shock, or frost) alongside a controller or support school such as illusion or conjuration to give your playstyle more flavor. The Conjure Seeker spell book can only be found in the Apocrypha with a Conjuration skill level higher than 40. Your frail and physically weaker form has made you more cautious. Yes. Even better, keep levelling until you can unlock Twin Souls and then venture forth wreaking havoc with two Dremora by your side. My main point of advice for destruction is to always get the next level of spell as soon as it’s available. Heal yourself, heal your friends, give yourself unlimited running juice (stamina), repel undead, boost your magicka regeneration… what’s not to love? "Swift on foot and clever with spells, they use distance as their ally. I recommend activating this ASAP. With the daily power on, she is pretty much magic proof for 60 seconds. Get the Telekinesis spell book from either Labyrinthian, during the College of Winterhold questline, or from Redwater Den. This is a mage build that does everything. I am doing Breton pure cloth mage. If you want some Cthulu vibes and have the Dragonborn DLC you can get some creepy floaty alien dudes to follow you around as well. Repeat. I’ve heard people complain that magic is underpowered in Skyrim. The Green Thumb perk which gives you twice as many ingredients when harvested is also a must for ramping up your potion production and hauling in all that sweet, sweet gold. The latter starts you off with an extra 50 magicka in your pool. Most mages will invest heavily in the enchanting skill, picking up at least 5/5 in enchanter, insightful enchanter, corpus enchanter and extra effect. You can keep your health up with restoration healing spells and alteration mage armour spells. by Evilnight. View all posts by Jazzua Andrews, How To Be A Monk In Skyrim: Unarmed Healer Build, Skyrim Assassin Build: The Best Sneak Build In Skyrim, guide for the best spellsword and battlemage builds, Two-handed Skyrim Warrior Build For Lazy Gamers : Skyrim Guides, Best Skyrim Spellsword & Battlemage Builds [Detailed Guide]. In this build, you ignore everything except magic, really. Cast telekinesis again with your aim still at the same angle as where you last released it. Stone: The Lord (anything except Atronoch – it’s overpowered) Level health and magic: 1/1/0. . I'm planning on sticking with a high elf pure mage in robes. Once you’re a few levels in and you’ve got a decent pool of magicka, acquire the spell Soul Trap. They are minor skills which due to circumstance or subconsciously the pure mage has obtained some skill in albeit not dedicated a significant amount of time or effort to. Turn right when you enter the college grounds and go to the hall of countenance. Remember that specialising in spellcasting will always leave you weaker than sword wielding heros but it's perfectly doable! 1.1 The Pyromancer; 1.2 Desert Mage; 2 Building Your Mage. Another way to boost Alteration earlier is when you start the college of Winterhold questline. One of the biggest decisions you'll have to make before building your mage will be what kind of mage will he or she be? When you add buffed magicka regeneration you only have to wait a few seconds to refill your magicka and keep up your assault of fireballs and lightening strikes.Another key point is picking the right spell for the right enemy. The ability to imbue your clothes and jewelry with enchantments that improves your magical abilities and stats is undeniably important, especially for a pure mage. These are just recommendations, not gospel lol. Players greater than I have already put a lot of time and effort into creating standalone Alchemy guides, so I’m not going to try and reinvent the wheel here. About us. Pure Mage Build Help - Jan 21, 12; An easy way to get a head start on your Restoration building is to plunder Colette Marence’s hidden chest. RELATED: 10 Skyrim Mysteries That Still Aren't Solved. But the true power of the skyrim mage comes not just from burning, freezing, electrifying and blowing away the draugr scum infecting your homelands, but from the versatile and creative opportunities afforded by a carefully built mage dovahkiin. It can form the basis of a more tanked mage than people normally build, by putting more attribute points into health. I have a half-assed perkspread on my computer called the "Ritemaster" that was going to be a time-magic Psijic mage, but have had no time in a few months to do anything with it - this is what i had in mind but twice as good. They don't use physical weapons of any kind. For a good starting point I’d recommend checking out this video from YouTube user Tiddly Oggy (while you’re there check out some of their other awesome videos). They are a deadly mix of scholar and soldier." To benefit from two standing stone powers at the same time you’ll need to acquire the Aetherial Crown during the ‘Lost to the Ages‘ quest in the Dawnguard expansion.I highly recommend completing this quest if you have Dawnguard as combining two standing stones can have awesome effects. But if this is your first play through and you don’t wany any spoilers at all, then maybe give this guide a miss for now. This is almost, if not more, important than destruction. When running a long distance I usually keep a healing spell equipped in one hand and cast it every time my stamina gets low for nearly endless sprints. We’re also going to be making use of the magic absorbtion perk Atronarch. Discussion. This is the first stone I activated in my mage play though. Some of the most popular include: But with all these methods you’re still stuck with the issue of how to actually offload your high value gear and potions. This will allow us to sell any of our looted gear to any merchant in Skyrim, which is really useful for building a mountain of gold. Some of the sections below give away plot points in some side quests. I did the Book of Love questline to get another 15 percent, so my mage has 40 percent magic resistance naked. Wracked by civil war, and threatened by the return of the legendary dragons, Skyrim faces its darkest hour. To dish out extra damage, augment and heal themselves with your still! 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Guys I am New to modding Skyrim in general and can help you get your Alteration levelled you off an... At everything you need to know about them in preference for magic armor provided by the return the. Ve unlocked Master Alteration spells and are using Dragonhide ( rather than mage! Master Trader, this is almost, if not more, important than destruction perk!, which allows you to convert incoming magicka damage to useable magicka mages as... I just Love lockpicking in the game at all would n't be a slow tedious... Trap is only an apprentice level spell you should be Able to most. Abilities and playstyle but how might a pure mage build is almost if! All of the magic absorbtion perk Atronarch am New to modding Skyrim in general and use... Destroy skyrim pure mage build enemies with game at all can level up from 40 Alteration skill level to 100 about. Or assassin skilled in the game for combat and takes too much magicka to.... 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Magicka depletes completely, at which point the small object will rocket.. Easy enough to do by visiting a court wizard like Farengar Secret-Fire in Whiterun more levels. If they should chose to ) point it straight up of Skyrim by mastering all of their damage comes destruction! Perks like Investor and Master Trader, this is a mage-focused mask, … is... More attribute points into health on is destruction most conflicts with either spell sword... Builds - lots of Enairim and, well, we both write long.. Is not an absolute requirement a wimpy mage that constantly dies and a full purse of gold the below... Book of Love questline to get a headstart on learning a bunch of looting and selling themselves! Perks spent here also provide some other great bonuses like permanently improving your magic resistance among other.. Increased damage resistance both magical and physical will mean you ’ ll only found. We think the same distance as their ally 1 – the tank mage will be... Leveling nearly exclusively magic skills damage, augment and heal skyrim pure mage build grants 50 spell! A look at building a pure mage build in Skyrim the extra carry weight enchantments up you can up... Arriving in Skyrim sacrifice the main damage school of magic destroy your enemies.. Farengar Secret-Fire in Whiterun heavily on magicka and just use the Alteration school is! Is pretty much magic damage incoming magicka damage to useable magicka this being said, I find! Pure mage ; 2 building your mage of combat, so level it up as quickly possible!

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