Four years post-accident, I had a new doctor who didn’t think I was crazy to consider running again; instead, he encouraged me. But it takes thought and planning. We can only be an example of perseverance. The stories of your grandson and parents are so inspiring. Jim and Audrey Kerr (author's parents) lay on the bloody highway, bodies broken and bleeding. I think of persistence and perseverance as two parts of a triumvirate. Thank you. If a child has run out of ideas, giving them some kind of challenge can prompt them to continue to amuse themselves imaginatively, These days, a lot of people have been talking about grit. At age 15 Brandon was left homeless. My parents, thrown from their car, lay helplessly on the ground unable to move their broken bodies. Perseverance Perseverance: Persistent determination Continuing or repeating behavior Continuing on a course of action w/o regard to discouragement, opposition or previous failure Refuse to stop To persist steadfastly in pursuit of an undertaking, task, journey or mission in spite of … on October 20, 2010: acaetnna - You are the first to visit my latest hub. And I have no doubt you are the same way. on July 16, 2016: Thank you so much for your kind comments. He is my grandson. My writers wish is to inspire others, You've confirmed that I've met my goal with this article. We keep practicing our craft, over and over again. Live Chat. I'm thrilled that you are here to read this hub and leave me your beautiful and encouraging remarks. Don't let anything or anyone stop you. I have provided a link to the entire speech at the conclusion of this excerpt. on July 26, 2012: Abraham - You have a wonderful attitude. It's been a bitter-sweet journey and one I try not to question. An aunt eventually managed to take them in. on May 02, 2012: fullheartteacher - Your name suites you so well. His story is about overcoming unimaginable obstacles. And I also like the Tom Hanks reference- he's definitely someone to admire! Rejection is only someones opinion - it doesn't make it so. Answer: Perseverance is the continued effort to do or achieve something despite difficulties, failure, or opposition. I am saddened by the number of people I know, my own son included, who crumble at the first sight of adversity or rejection. He auditioned for television shows repeatedly but was constantly rejected. Always will I take another step. Reading stories like these moves you to take action and pursue your dreams. He pulls himself up and tries again. Thank you Eddy for your love and support. American business is fast paced, entrepreneurial and built on rugged individualism. Persistence, tenacity, determination, and staying power are the ingredients of perseverance. Winston Churchill was a very wise man. Do you give up too soon and too often? But, for others it is a challenge. Brandon could have easily given up on life, but in spite of everything, he chose to rise above every single obstacle. Maxwell and Mandino are amazing authors and I like the fact that you have quoted them in the article. Turns out that is exactly the same distance it has to go before the spacecraft hits the Red Planet's atmosphere like a 11,900 mph (19,000 … It is so full of life changing principles if everyone were only to apply them. Audrey's passion for connecting with nature is magnified in her self-help writings and poetry. My mother looked directly at the Doctor and announced, "Oh yes I will. Have you ever had that feeling of elation when you read something that you truly believe in every single word that that particular person has written makes so much sense. Thanks for replying. His name is Brandon Hunt. 1 comments on article "Perseverance and Grit" I saw Angela Duckworth at conference in DC and couldn't help but feel, as Rick does, that there is such a great message for young adolescents here. Here's wishing you many wonderful surprises this year! You are a treasure! After a few years, he moved in with his mother hoping that she would take responsibility and stop her addictive behavior to drugs and alcohol. Just what I needed at this precise moment in time to take a fresh deep breath and trudge forward! I'm still your biggest and longest time fan. Thanks for sharing. So he repeats the process in spite of the bruises and bumps along the way. Jeff Zod from Nairobi on September 17, 2019: I can not thank you enough for this inspirational hub. If your perception of failure means it's time to quit, look at it this way: the true perception of failure should be seen as feedback from the universe. Your grandfather sounds like quite a man...embellished with wisdom. Thank you for sharing them with us. Audrey Hunt (author) from Idyllwild Ca. After all as Angela herself writes in the book after asking three hundred American adults to tell her how they felt about their grit scores: "In the entire sample, there wasn't a single person, who upon reflection, aspired to be less gritty. They were heading home to California after a business trip and eager to once again reunite with their three children. Writers especially need to persevere in a world of stiff competition and rejection. I love this article. Now my heart is singing once again. Alibaba – Jack Ma. I am deeply grateful to you jacobkuttyta for sharing this with me. On a study of resilience, those with high resilience scored 96% on a measure of perseverance, while those with low resilience scored 49% on the perseverance … Keep Trying For as Long as it Takes. No article about grit, resilience, and a growth mindset is complete without offering a few book suggestions. Perhaps it happened for a reason because I sure needed to hear these very words tonight. Vespa Woolf from Peru, South America on March 04, 2012: This is a great hub! Perseverance. Audrey heard a woman's voice approaching her. Read articles about Perseverance of the Saints from R.C. well, when things are so difficult for man , i believe ,he / find a way to successful life ,but not easy ,he / she .will try and try to success because he don,t like to be in difficulties. Great hub and yes Persistence and Perseverence are key to success. drbj - Oh, yes...patience! on July 27, 2012: billybuc - I just knew you would like this hub:) When I read your words, "once a goal is set just get out of my way because I'm going to find a way to achieve it." He just kept right on going, accepting small parts in movies, doing what he had to do. Audrey Hunt (author) from Idyllwild Ca. The ambulance was on its way. Appreciate your comments. Thank you for this; it came at the perfect time for me. I wish you peace and love during your journey. Exhausting, but exhilarating. When my son died I wanted to give up on life. Audrey Hunt (author) from Idyllwild Ca. He graduated with honors and made the captain of his football team. I am really sorry about your son. Perseverance Is Holding Your Chin High, Remaining Steadfast And Continually Advancing Toward Whatever Your Individual Desires Might Be "At times the climb can seem strenuous, challenging, and sometimes even impossible. Or do you pick yourself up, take a deep breath and move upward. Audrey Hunt (author) from Idyllwild Ca. If I had to pick one trait that is key to achieving nearly anything in life it is this. But the exposure finally led to his first big break which was a starring role in the movie "Splash.". Great Hub with inspiring stories. A study released on December 22, 2011 found that key receptors for dopamine function like 'gateways' that are essential to enable habit formation. How would we grow and learn if it were? I try to do the same. This made us tough in face the real life. ❤. ". (speaking of myself). I like that. Answer: We don't! You leave inspsiring comments. Audrey Hunt (author) from Idyllwild Ca. I read it many years ago, and I am delighted to read it again. During a muggy and humid weekend in the City of Brotherly Love, Harold Rasul sought a chance for himself, his coaching staff and student-athletes from East Cleveland's Shaw High School. Counting our blessings is another good thing to do. Perseverance, nicknamed Percy, is a car-sized Mars rover designed to explore the Jezero crater on Mars as part of NASA's Mars 2020 mission. Audrey Hunt (author) from Idyllwild Ca. What about you? Blessings of every kind to you. "Never give in. Stones scored as the holders reached the Carabao Cup final for a fourth consecutive season. How many times do people give up just on the verge of success. We all need reminding. Thank you. Let the light surround you. abraham udoh jacob on September 11, 2012: Excellency , please let us move with the in- spiritual eyes , together i can do well has you love. Having traveled to Washington, D.C., for two rallies in support of the president in 2020, Valerie Charms Mason and her husband, Todd Mason, decided to return on Jan. 6 for the "Stop the Steal" event. Perseverance launched on July 30 last year to explore the planet Mars for evidence of alien life, both past and present. Thomas Edison failed many times as did most great inventors. I've had that happen. Dwell on every blessing you have and not on what you don't have. on November 27, 2019: Perseverance is a quality we all need just to help us overcome the endless obstacles life throws our way. You must know what you want and work hard for it! Luis G Asuncion from City of San Jose Del Monte, Bulacan, Philippines on November 27, 2019: I agree with you with the perseverance. Being determined is what makes life what it is today. He never gave up. This determination can be found in every walk of life and every age. Mistakes do not define failure. Audrey Hunt (author) from Idyllwild Ca. I leave you with the poem, " Don't Quit".When things go wrong as they sometimes will;When the road you're trudging seems all uphill;When the funds are low, and the debts are high;And you want to smile, but you have to sigh;When care is pressing you down a bit - Rest if you must, but don't you quit.Success is failure turned inside out;The silver tint of the clouds of doubt;And you can never tell how close you are;It may be near when it seems afar.So, stick to the fight when you're hardest hit - It's when things go wrong that you mustn't quit. It is so good to be back, after I moved several months ago I lost so much data because of a virus so I took a longer than expected break! homesteadbound - We are capable of achieving so much more than we think we can. Audrey Hunt (author) from Idyllwild Ca. "Never give up", I love this word. Thank you for sharing such inspiring words! Reward yourself each time you complete an important step. We are here and we try our best to overcome difficulties. What it is, why it's good, and how to get it. Thanks for loving my article. The Power Of Perseverance combined with determination is the … And that timing is everything, and you have to stay the course and just keep working hard and know that, when your time comes, that it will be sweet and that it will be the perfect time. Audrey Hunt (author) from Idyllwild Ca. Audrey Hunt (author) from Idyllwild Ca. And they recognize that the best thing about adversity is coming out on the other side of it. I've just found 10,000 ways that won't work - Thomas Edison. (Please?) He took a difficult and challenging childhood and turned himself into a storyteller as a way of coping with the lonely days and nights. Help/Support. Audrey Hunt (author) from Idyllwild Ca. As you can tell, I'm pretty passionate about this. This is so inspiring. You, have certainly motivated me! She quickly realized that IQ wasn't the only thing separating the successful students from those who struggled. They persevere. I love the quotes you chose... very motivational. It's the brother to determination. You make a good point about failure. Live Chat. acaetnna from Guildford on October 20, 2010: Persistence is the key. Blessings. Perseverance is "Steadfastness in doing something despite difficulty or delay in achieving success. on June 20, 2017: Thank you for letting me know that this article is helpful. Cindy Murdoch from Texas on January 02, 2012: I absolutely love this hub! It is one of my favorites and I too refer to it often. I know that small attempts, repeated, will complete any undertaking.". Carry on writing and I will carry on reading. Thank you. Can I borrow that from you to write a hub? Never yield to the apparently overwhelming might of the enemy.". I appreciate your support and wish you well in all you do. I believe this is one way we grow and become a stronger person. See more. Thanks. Perseverance - Here are inspirational stories, articles and videos for kids about Perseverance. One of my favorite writers, John C. Maxwell, has this to say about perseverance. I see what you mean. on May 22, 2019: I appreciate your wise comments. It never occurs to him that he might fail. Really appreciate this! In fact, he never stops trying to walk. I would love to quote you billy. Kids can change the world. I want to wish you the Happiest of New Years, beautiful one. It was a lonely stretch of highway, pitch black and very cold. Help/Support. What is Perseverance? Meanwhile, I now have a desire to visit your hubs as I know you are my kind of person and I will learn from you. When ever I start to feel a little sorry for myself (which I do from time to time) I turn to this hub, re-read it and then I look at the photo of the little boy with no legs. Contact Us. Here is an excerpt from Churchill's inspiring speech delivered Oct 29, 1941. drbj and sherry from south Florida on October 22, 2010: Hello, Audrey. Persistence and never giving up is all about Faith. Never give in. I would like to share this quote on FB as well as a few other places. How do those who succeed do it? Evidently, you are a persistent and successful person. Determination is simply not giving up. Audrey Hunt (author) from Idyllwild Ca. Audrey Hunt (author) from Idyllwild Ca. This life is a constant challenge. You are such an ideal example of someone who "can do" just about anything they set their mind to! Winston Churchill has always been one of my favorite people because of his positive spirit. Thanks for adding this wonderful and enlightening comment. I'm beyond happy that you liked my hub, the quotes and found it to be motivating. Now, what about you? ", So, I did.... And I obviously didn't give up. Each of us can and should strive for excellence. Whats App – Jan Koum. Thanks for the reminder, your such a blessing! Incredibly inspiring and so very true!! Mary Norton from Ontario, Canada on March 10, 2017: Thank you Audrey. The woman gazed at Audrey, grabbed the purse laying on the bloody ground and ran to her car and drove off. on November 01, 2010: Dear Katie - You added the most important factor when you said "you must know what you want". Clearly the idea that grit is one of the keys to success has grabbed our curiosity. I really loved the examples here and bookmarking. Hari Prasad S from Bangalore on May 16, 2018: Audrey, This is an excellent hub. But developing it requires a commitment to deeply held beliefs. Always believe and never quit and the rewards will be beyond recognition, I have no doubt.Great information, thank you Vocal Coach. Thank you for reading my hub and commenting. The story about your parents was very disturbing-I can't believe someone would do that. This is known as self-sabotage. You will never see great success without perseverance - only minor ones. He had a dream and he would keep trying to reach that dream no matter what. Scripture: 2 Timothy 1:3-4 , 1 John 1:4 Tags: Joy , … What an example of perseverance. Actor Tom Hanks is an example of perseverance. I send you love and strength, my friend. Keep writing, my friend because we need people like you here on hub pages. Audrey Hunt (author) from Idyllwild Ca. I know that his father, (my son), is immensely proud of his boy for making the right choices in his life through insurmountable challenges. I also have a copy of the poem. It is not meant to be. Keep trying for as many times as it takes. Set realistic goals and complete one goal at a time. He firmly grabbed me by the shoulders and said very sternly, "You don't EVER give up! I have always been a determined person and determination has not been difficult for me. Finally, in 1980, he landed a steady job on a sitcom called "Bosom Buddies." Life is not easy. That's it. In his early years, he wanted to act in commercials but could not break-in. They're merely the price of achievement on the journey toward success. Access this article and hundreds more like it with a subscription to Action magazine. It seems like an easy question, what do you want? Since about 90 percent of our football staff is new to UCF in the past eight months, it seemed like an appropriate time to. When we give ourselves permission to fail, we at the same time give ourselves permission to excel. The video makes your point very well. What more could I possibly want. Thank you for reading my hubs. I apologize. “Perseverance draws sweetness out of adversity”. Maybe, you even set yourself up for failure? Perseverance How This Woman's Remarkable Life Helped Her Demystify Business for Underserved Entrepreneurs Alfa Demmellash survived a … Frequently Asked Questions. It was manufactured by the Jet Propulsion Laboratory and was launched on 30 July 2020, at 7:50 a.m. EDT (11:50 UTC), and is scheduled to land on Mars on 18 February 2021.. Love the poem. Thank you. Sometimes it is very hard. Good in the face and saying, `` Oh yes I will another... Single word that you have them all the same to do but developing it requires a commitment deeply... Overcoming doubt and fear also to pick one trait that is a prerequisite for perseverance may 02, 2012 fullheartteacher... Perservere, as is rejection packs a powerful thought videos for kids about.. People give up, take a fresh deep breath and trudge forward to pick trait... Become a stronger person: your kind comments mean so much for good... 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