No, Is the Subject Area "Child abuse" applicable to this article? This raises the possibility that individual differences in emotion regulation could influence the association between ELA and chronic stress experienced in adulthood. [1] Gross, J. J. Consequently, higher ACE scores indicate greater exposure to early adversity (α = 0.88). However, it is also possible that the inflexible appraisal of stressors we observe in participants with high ACEs scores is due to enhanced development of vigilance to threats in the environment [7]. So, we also examined if individual differences in emotion regulation strategies would modulate the relationship between ACEs and chronic stress. Expressive suppression is generally considered to be a maladaptive emotion regulation strategy. on Emotion Regulation – Reappraisal vs. Suppression, Positive Psychology and Wellbeing Blog | Emilia Lorenz. (2003). Childhood poverty is accompanied by psychological and material hardships that profoundly impact the trajectory of development [12]. All relevant variables were centered prior to analyses. Additionally, habitual use of expressive suppression in conjunction with number of ACEs influenced individual’s perceived stress. Roles The index of moderated mediation is the formal test of moderated mediation in PROCESS which uses boot-strapping procedures to test the degree to which the indirect effects of the mediation model differ from each other based on different levels of the moderator [62]. Emotion suppression, for example, consists of “inhibiting the outward signs of your inner feelings.” Professionals in high-stress jobs (doctors, police, military) are often taught that emotional suppression is an effective strategy for emotional regulation, in spite of plentiful research suggesting otherwise. Questions assess how overloaded individuals have generally felt (e.g., In the last month, how often have you felt nervous and “stressed”? Higher scores indicated greater cognitive flexibility (Alternatives: α = 0.91; Control: α = 0.89). Specifically, our data indicated that habitual use of reappraisal attenuated the effect of ACEs on perceived chronic stress. components – physiological, behavioral or affective – of an emotional response. No neuroimaging study has examined expressive suppression in response to emotional stimuli. process and changes how we think about a situation beforehand. Gross’s process model of emotion regulation suggests that emotion regulation begins after the identification of an emotion as being helpful or harmful to a goal [16]. Given that ACEs are associated with greater interpersonal difficulty [63], it is possible that use of expressive suppression as an emotion regulation strategy makes individuals feel unsupported and alone when confronting difficulties. Further, we used the Johnson-Neyman technique [61] with uncentered scores, which indicates that individuals who reported cognitive reappraisal scores below 19.7 (M = 29.90) showed no conditional effect of ACEs on perceived stress. Data curation, Since CFI-Alternatives was not correlated with reported number of ACEs, we did not conduct a mediation analysis with this variable. You are doing yourself a favour if you act beforehand to manage your emotions. One proposed explanation for the association between ELA and physical morbidity in adulthood is the habitual deployment of maladaptive coping strategies (e.g., drug use) in response to stressful events [5]. Based on prior research showing that chronic psychosocial stress disrupts pFC functioning, which has a negative impact on attentional control in set-shifting tasks [37], we assumed that chronic stress levels would influence cognitive flexibility negatively. Instead, experimental evidence indicates that it may enhance physiological response associated with the emotion [18]. Instead of conceptualizing emotions as psychological states As a result, expressive suppression serves to enhance inflexible appraisal of stressors as threats. Thus, individuals with the lowest number of ACEs experienced more benefit from using cognitive reappraisal to regulate their emotions than those with the highest number of ACEs. here. Empirical evidence in support of this notion indicates that physically abused children are more likely to over-recognize angry or negative facial expressions [28, 42]. Since empirical evidence has suggested that increased levels of adversity exist in lower income families [72], future research should include socioeconomic status in their study design. Once again, these results indicate that a greater number of ACEs is associated with higher perceived chronic stress, which is in turn associated with a lessened sense of control in difficult life circumstances. Since our primary predictions were that ACEs would predict reduced cognitive flexibility and that perceived stress would mediate the relationship between ACEs and cognitive flexibility, we conducted a series of regressions with ACEs as the predictor variable, cognitive flexibility as the outcome variable and perceived stress as the mediator. Researcher James Gross differentiates between reappraisal (early-emotion-regulation) and suppression (late-emotion-regulation). Interestingly, we did not observe an association between ACEs and CFI-Alternatives. They also reported experiencing less disgust than Group 2. However, any researcher interested in the data may contact Vrinda Kalia ( and/or April Smith ( who is Chair of the Psychology Department's Review Board for access to the data file without identifying information. : such as in the example above with the person cutting you off in traffic). This process requires active inhibition of the emotional related consequences (e.g. Thus, it is possible that CFI-Control is more likely to be associated with outcomes than CFI-Alternatives. Although the exact definition of ELA continues to be debated [51], and different types of ELA (e.g., physical abuse, neglect) have traditionally been studied separately, empirical evidence indicates that they are interrelated and frequently co-occur [52, 53]. – when and how would you use this technique? In order to conduct these analyses, we used Hayes’ PROCESS 3 macro model 7, which identifies these sets of regressions as moderated mediation analyses [55, 56], in SPSS version 25.0. I cover everything from neuroscience to the latest exercises and tools to prevent mental distress and boost mental health. Cameron LD(1), Overall NC(2). Because a substantial number of participants (N = 77) chose not to report age, they were not included in the following analyses, leaving a final sample of 409. Reappraisal happens early in the emotion regulation The Emotion Regulation Scale is designed to measure the tendency to regulate emotions by cognitive reappraisal and/or expressive suppression. How would you use this technique? Suppression All participants were told that they were going to watch a short film, showing a disgusting arm amputation. Yes All variables were normally distributed (skew coefficient < |1|; kurtosis coefficient < |2|). We sought to test two moderated mediation models in which reported number of ACEs both directly and indirectly, via perceived stress scores, predicted participants’ CFI-Control. These individuals reported high levels of perceived stress regardless of the ACEs score. As chronic stress is associated with reduced cognitive flexibility [37, 45], our third hypothesis was that individuals with high levels of stress would also have lower scores on cognitive flexibility. Consists of 10 items, six that assess habitual use of cognitive reappraisal (e.g., When I want to feel more positive emotion such as joy or amusement I change what I’m thinking about; α = .87), and four items assessing habitual use of expressive suppression (e.g., When I am feeling positive emotions, I am careful not to express them; α = .81). you’re already emotional. Majority of the participants self-identified as White (57.2%), and the remaining participants categorized themselves as Asian (22%), Hispanic (10.1%), African American (9.5%), and Native American (3.3%), Indian American (2.5%), race or ethnicity not listed (0.60%), or preferred not to disclose (0.40%). This might foster attention to or monitoring of stressors [71], but appears to come at the cost of flexibility. COVID19 Re-entry anxiety: What should we know and how can we cope? Additionally, a meta-analytic review of the literature on the relationship between emotion regulation strategies and psychopathology has demonstrated that suppression is associated with increased levels of psychopathology [20]. Contemporary behavioral interventions … Emotional regulation is defined as an attempt to influence emotion. Recent research suggests that avoidance of emotions in general, and emotion suppression specifically, may be commonly used among those who meet criteria for the disorder. These maladaptive behaviors, in turn, account for the link between early life stress and negative health outcomes [3]. This relationship was partially mediated by perceived stress levels. Funding: The authors received no specific funding for this work. There is some evidence to suggest that behavioral and self-report measures provide insight about different aspects of cognitive flexibility [36], so it is possible that the observed associations would differ if a behavioral measure of cognitive flexibility (e.g., WCST) were used. Our data add support to other research showing that adaptive emotion regulation strategies can buffer against the effects of ELA [14]. We assessed ELA using the Adverse Childhood Experiences Scale (ACEs). Expressive suppression is a concept "based on individuals' emotion knowledge, which includes knowledge about the causes of emotion, about their bodily sensations and expressive behavior, and about the possible means of modifying them" In other words, expressive suppression … From this point of view, the down-regulation process is not a matter of what Descriptors: Emotion, Regulation, Suppression, Reappraisal Emotions represent the “wisdom of the ages” ~Lazarus, 1991, p. The interaction between ACEs and reappraisal was significantly associated with PSS, B = 0.04, t(403) = 2.36, p = .019. Personality includes individual differences in the strategies that people tend to use when … Emotional Suppression: Physiology, Self-Report, and Expressive Behavior James 1. on our thinking. Additionally, we hypothesized that emotion regulation strategies, either expressive suppression or cognitive reappraisal, would moderate the relationship between ACEs and perceived. These individuals showed consistently high perceived stress regardless of the number of ACEs. Over the past several decades, ER has become a popular topic across many subdisciplines within psychology. here. Finally, we did not randomize the order in which the questionnaires were presented. The way you regulate your emotions may depend on your personality (and culture, age, gender). Writing – review & editing. Individuals living with the United States were recruited via Amazon’s Mechanical Turk (MTurk; N = 486; participants who failed more than half of the attention checks were removed; Male = 335; Female = 150; Missing = 1). This happens when you attempt to inhibit an emotional expression against strong impulses to express. Cognitive flexibility is a key component of executive functions [29] that is often the last to emerge in development [30]. Next time you know something difficult is coming up, ask yourself: “Is there any way to think differently about this situation? Behaviour Research and Therapy, 46, 1201 – 1209. Emotion regulation in adulthood: Timing is everything. Luckily, James Gross did the research for us and it gives a clear indication: Reappraise! For more information about PLOS Subject Areas, click Items on the scale involve two distinct aspects of emotional life, namely: emotional experience and emotional expression. However, because emotion regulation strategy use moderated the effect of ACEs on PSS, tests of the indirect effect will be conducted using moderated mediation analyses, as the indirect effect may be conditional upon values of the moderator. Zahir Vally, Khalid Ahmed, Emotion regulation strategies and psychological wellbeing: Examining cognitive reappraisal and expressive suppression in an Emirati college sample, Neurology, Psychiatry and Brain Research, 10.1016/j.npbr.2020.09.001, 38, (27-32), (2020). Longitudinal work has shown that habitual use of expressive suppression is associated with more intrapersonal costs, such as increased fatigue and lower self-esteem [19]. No, Is the Subject Area "Behavior" applicable to this article? However, the buffering effect of cognitive reappraisal becomes less robust with the greater number of ACEs an individual reported. Yes There are some studies that indicate that the cost of suppression is dependent on factors such as how burdensome [21] or inauthentic [22] it feels to suppress one’s feeling. Department of Psychology, Miami University, Oxford, Ohio, United States of America, Roles Through thinking about it differently and acting to divert your attention beforehand. In the original report on the development of the instrument, it was CFI-Control that had exhibited larger correlations with depression scores across two studies (r = -.50; p = .001 and r = -.44; p = .001) compared to CFI-Alternatives (r = -.19; p = .01 and r = -.20; p = .01). Considering that this relationship remains significant after accounting for variance explained by perceived stress levels, participant age, and education levels, our study highlights the significance of ACEs in predicting inflexibility. Is the Subject Area "Emotions" applicable to this article? Conceptualization, Yes feeling sad/frustrated/angry; heart racing; shouting). According to Gross (1987), emotional regulation may take two forms: Cognitive reappraisal. No, Is the Subject Area "Prefrontal cortex" applicable to this article? Additionally, by investigating the moderating effect of emotion regulation strategies, our study provides further evidence that effective emotion regulation can be a key resilience factor in individuals who have experienced early adversity. For example, the Wisconsin Card Sort Test (WCST) [35], which is behavioral measure of cognitive flexibility, isolates an individual’s ability to shift between rules as a way to determine cognitive flexibility. Emotion regulation refers to “the processes by which individuals influence which emotions they have, when they have them, and how they experience and express these emotions” ([ 5, p. 275]). Gross and Robert W Levenson This study examined the effects of emotional suppression. Since ACEs are a factor that cannot be modified, future research should consider that individuals with very high number of ACEs might be potential targets for treatments aimed at improving emotion regulation skills. Further, we used the Johnson-Neyman technique [61] on uncentered scores, and discovered that individuals who reported levels of expressive suppression above 25.7 (M = 17.48) showed no conditional effect of ACEs on perceived stress. e0235412. The emotion is essentially there but you don’t let it express chance of neutralizing the upcoming emotions. Nevertheless, by studying cognitive flexibility as an outcome variable in adults, we were able to extend the existing literature on ACEs. This provides further evidence that the two subscales of the CFI assess different aspects of cognitive flexibility [34]. In the second model, we observed the same the relationships between ACEs, perceived chronic stress, and CFI-Control as the first model. Emotion regulation essentially entails any conscious or ELA, such as abuse, parental neglect, or deprivation, can alter the normative development of neural circuitry [7]. Considering that CFI-Alternatives is an indicator of an individual’s ability to view a problem from multiple perspectives, our data suggest that ACEs do not influence this aspect of cognitive flexibility. itself. Written consent was obtained from all participants in the study. Let’s consider two strategies. When demands exceed available resources, the situation is appraised as threatening. Why Is There No Magic Cure for Suffering? More and more attention in psychological research is given to the topic of psychological flexibility (Kashdan, 2010). The results suggest that suppressing emotions has a physiological consequence. It is relevant to note that we controlled for education levels in our analyses. Late-Emotion-Regulation: This technique is used after you’ve had an emotional reaction to a situation (e.g. : you have an exam coming up; you’re moving to a different city in a few weeks or days; you’re going back to university and have to face your ex again – any situation where you know you’re probably going to be emotional). (2003). Behave: The biology of humans at our best and worst. Path a coefficients are displayed for high reappraisal (1 SD above the mean), average reappraisal (mean), and low reappraisal (1 SD below the mean). Turns out, you can activate the amygdala even prior to an event. Thus, our data suggest that this inflexible appraisal of environmental challenges is partially driven by individuals feeling taxed and overwhelmed by circumstances [64]. Third, the proposed mediation model may not extend to populations with mental health problems [73]. One outcome associated with cognitive flexibility is that it allows the individual the ability to reframe and reconsider information in a challenging context to enable effective coping [33]. Yet, the putative implications of ELA on cognitive and emotional regulatory capacities, such as cognitive flexibility, that are implicated in activity in the pFC are understudied [1]. Additionally, the interaction between ACEs and suppression was significantly associated with PSS, B = -0.04, t(403) = -2.07, p = .039. 820!, providing time-tested responses to recurrent adaptive prob-lems. As a result, we expected that individuals with higher number of ACEs would also report increased stress levels [38]. Researcher James Gross My opinion on this however may be due to cultural influences. However, individuals who did and did not report their age did not differ significantly in their responses to any of the scales included in the models. Consequently, the short-term stress response initiated adaptively to environmental cues may become an enduring activation of the stress systems with detrimental consequences [13]. This can make it cognitively costly [67, 68], thereby leaving fewer cognitive resources for dealing with environmental demands. In effect, an individual’s stress response is dependent on the way they appraise a stressor. Compared to reappraisal, it is positively correlated with many psychological disorders, [8] associated with worse interpersonal outcomes, is negatively related to well-being, [34] and requires the mobilization of a relatively substantial amount of cognitive resources. (late-emotion-regulation). Yes The physiological stress response emerges from an interaction of individual characteristics and the environmental context [13]. Self-report measures of cognitive flexibility, which offer a practical alternative to behavioral measures, can be used to provide insight about state characteristics of cognitive flexibility [36]. Yes broad scope, and wide readership – a perfect fit for your research every time. Responses are measured on a five-point Likert scale (never to very often). Resources, As shown in neuroimaging studies, when the dlPFC activates, it downregulates the amygdala and sympathetic nervous system and, therefore, decreases your distress (If you want to know more about these brain structures, check out this link). Considering that greater perceived stress has been shown to be associated with reduced habitual use of cognitive reappraisal [47], our fifth hypothesis was that reappraisal would attenuate the effect of ELA on perceived chronic stress, with implications for cognitive flexibility. If you believe or tell yourself it’s not going to hurt, you will have more down-regulation success! The test of the moderating effects of expressive suppression suggests that expressive suppression is also a significant moderator of the effect of ACEs on perceived stress, R2 = .23, F(5, 403) = 23.57, p < .001. Author information: (1)Psychological Sciences, School of Humanities, Social Sciences, and the Arts, University of California. The indirect effect of ACEs Scores on CFI-Control through perceived stress scores was significant at low, 95% CI: [-1.13, -0.54], average, 95% CI: [-0.81, -0.46], and high, 95% CI: [-0.64, -0.22] levels of suppression. Suppression One possible explanation for perceived chronic stress emerging as a mediator between ACEs and CFI-Control is that individuals with high number of ACEs do have more stressors in their life. However, the relation between ACEs and perceived chronic stress is strengthened when greater habitual use of expressive suppression is used. This finding further highlights that the impact of ACEs accumulates with increasing exposure to different types of adversities [3, 63]. We view this tendency to appraise all manner of difficulties as uncontrollable to be an indicator of inflexible appraisal of stressors in their environment as threatening, rather than challenging [64]. You would use this strategy when What did the results suggest? Considering that approximately two-thirds of Americans report exposure to some form of ELA [5], this places a major burden on the public health system. Expressive suppression is a strategy in which an individual attempts to conceal or inhibit emotional expressions [18]. Specifically, our goal was to assess the individual’s ability to reformulate and restructure maladaptive thoughts in response to challenging circumstances and affective states [34]. Emotion, 3, 48-67. Despite empirical evidence from rodent models [74], the observed direction of the relation between perceived stress and cognitive flexibility should ideally be resolved through longitudinal studies. Additionally, we investigated whether perceptions of chronic stress in adulthood would mediate the influence of ACEs on cognitive flexibility. Both ACEs, B = 0.79, t(403) = 8.18, p < .001, and reappraisal, B = -0.34, t(403) = -7.04, p < .001, were significantly associated with PSS. Research investigating the influence of emotion regulation (ER) strategies on emotional eating and diet among Chinese adolescents is scarce. Early-Emotion-Regulation techniques: these regulatory techniques, help you shape your emotions control: α = 0.86 ) from! Add support to the notion that exposure to different types of adversities [ 3 ] with... Distress and boost mental health and psychiatry '' applicable to this article you are doing yourself a if... 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