A comparison of three models. They also have bi-directional links with the block of life quality measures. The marvel is that while you made us fall about in laughter, you left us knowing that we had heard something quite profound. First, by explicitly concerning itself with the biogenic, sociogenic, and idiogenic sources of human action, the social ecological framework is both more comprehensive but also more challenging that those perspectives that are primarily focused on one source of action alone. Personal Project Pursuit is the first book to feature Brian Little’s highly respected personal projects analysis (PPA), one of the pioneering theories in contemporary personality and motivational psychology. Another key proposition of our approach is that free traits may enhance life quality by promoting core projects, but protracted free-traited behavior may compromise emotional and physical health. For example, extraverts appraise their interpersonal projects as both meaningful and manageable but not their academic projects (Little, Lecci, & Watkinson, 1992). Elizabeth has developed a reputation for her seemingly boundless energy and enthu- siasm. Affect appraisals for projects form two orthogonal (positive and negative affect) factors, and these are strong independent predictors of well-being (Little, Pedrosa-Lima, & Whelan, 2006). Such features are robust predictors of well-being (e.g., the links between extra- version and stability with happiness; e.g., Costa & McCrae, 1980). …our audience so thoroughly enjoyed your oustanding approach to speaking, injected with humour and wit, that they were talking about it for days. In many respects the current buoyancy of the field reflects important shifts, both methodological and conceptual, that have occurred over the past two decades. On Thursday, however, everything falls apart. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 75, 1032–1046. In B. R. Little, K. Salmela-Aro, & S. D. Phillips (Eds. Disagreeable people, for example, enjoy being in situations where they are being disagreeable (see Côté and Moskowitz, 1998). Little, B. R. (2007). Most nights, he is up very late in hot pursuit of cool projects. He is typical of those at the bleeding edge of a creative technical field. Elizabeth seems to be an agreeable extravert. Imprint Psychology Press. Two conceptual units central to the model will be highlighted (i.e., personal projects and free traits) with a focus on how these are related to the quality of lives. Brian R. Little, Personal Projects and Motivational Counseling: The Quality of Lives Reconsidered, Handbook of Motivational Counseling, 10.1002/9780470979952, (73-87), (2011). The creative ‘star’ typically did not do routine detail work or handle the socially demanding requirements of the practice. The personal project is proposed as a new unit of analysis for the study of personality in its social, physical and temporal context. Little, B. R. (1996). The sustainable pursuit of core projects is central to our conception of human flourishing. Chichester, UK: Wiley. Personal projects analysis: Trivial pursuits, magnificent obsessions, and the search for coherence. Murray, H. A. When George’s projects are in full flight, he is irrepressibly joyful; when they are impeded, the team, including Elizabeth, keeps out of his way. The pursuit of a core project can damage one’s health and alienate one’s community, and I suspect that it is in precisely the most creative and generative groups that we see these costs accruing. A sense of meaning may sometimes be achieved only through compromising physical health. They also have bi-directional links with the block of life quality measures. Opening Up: The Healing Power of Confiding in Others. Box B depicts relatively stable contextual features, or eco-settings that influence the course of human lives. Lives in progress (3rd edn). When individuals are asked to act ‘like an extravert’ in experimental research, they are able to do so, albeit it with various degrees of ‘leakage’ of their biogenic traits (Lippa, 1976). Free trait theory helps to explain why Elizabeth and Liz are not getting along and why George’s core projects will not be sustainable until recognition and restoration processes have been implemented. The Psychology of Personal Constructs. Hooker, K., & McAdams, D. P. (2003). Personal Projects Brian R Little, University of Cambridge, Cambridge, UK and Carleton University, Ottawa, ON, Canada Simon Coulombe, Université du Québec à Montréal, Montréal, QC, Canada 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. The difference is best explained by invoking George Kelly’s (1955) concepts of the range and focus of convenience of explanatory constructs. The skills become particularly important when one is engaged in passionate project pursuit (Goodine, 2000; Little, 1998; McGregor, 2007; Vallerand, et al., 2003, 2007). ), Psychological Perspectives on the Self (Vol. But its focus is internal. © 2008 The Author Social and Personality Psychology Compass 2/3 (2008): 1235–1254, 10.1111/j.1751-9004.2008.00106.x Journal Compilation © 2008 Blackwell Publishing Ltd. Ashton, M. C., & Lee, K. (2007). (2003). Little, B. R., Salmela-Aro, K., & Phillips, S. D. McGregor, I., MacAdams, D. P., & Little, B. R. (2006). I recently came across the concept of Personal Project Analysis, which is a methodology that was created by personality psychologist Brian Little. Pennebaker, J. W. (1990). A sequential model of personal projects is proposed in which the major stages of project inception, planning, action, and termination are described in detail and related to dimensions of individual differences. Personal projects are extended sets of personally relevant action that range from daily chores (e.g., ‘Order more USB keys, again’) to defining life commitments (e.g., ‘Be sensitive to my partner’s needs, always’). New York, NY: Plenum. But as soon as he had risen to the intrusion, he would literally run back to his large messy corner retreat and get back to crafting something creative. Use our personal learning platform and check out our low prices and other ebook categories! (2007). In defense of personality measurement: New wine for old whiners. Personal projects form a central nexus of the model, with linkages between both fixed and more fluid features of persons and contexts. ), Personal Project Pursuit: Goals, Action and Human Flourishing (pp. Dr. Brian Little is an internationally acclaimed scholar and speaker in the field of personality and motivational psychology. Cantor, N., Norem, J. K., Niedenthal, P. M., Langston, C. A., & Brower, A. M. (1987). Struggling with self: The personal projects of students seeking psychological counselling. Little, B. R. (1999b). . Biogenic introverts, for example, may act as extraverts in order to advance projects requiring expressions of enthusiastic assertiveness. Cognitive Therapy and Research, 28, 173–182. They arise out of the interplay of what we have termed biogenic, sociogenic, and idiogenic sources of human action (Little, 2007; Little & Joseph, 2007). But such an environment would hardly be restorative for a biogenic extravert, who has been engaging in introverted free trait behavior. Figure 1: PPA Rating Matrix: What do you think about what you are doing? Free traits can be understood as the negotiation of three different sources of human conduct, introduced earlier as biogenic, sociogenic, and idiogenic influences. It will be helpful to start at the bottom of Figure 1 – the block of variables that assess our fundamental concern with the quality of human lives. Free traits emerge when individuals enact sociogenic scripts to advance idiogenic aims, irrespective of the person’s biogenic dispositions. PAC units and personal projects: Action in context. Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 73, 171–185. Like most highly creative individuals and as his team at Traq have already figured out, George is most Georgian when he is alone with his projects. Figure 3 focuses only on extraversion, although with some modification the theory applies to other traits. (1991). Palys, T. S., & Little, B. R. (1983). Elliot, A. J., & Church, M. A. Our salespeople are a tough group to whom to get a message across, but you certainly did that in a captivating and lighthearted way that really engaged the mood of the audience. Positive and Negative Affect in Personal Projects: Exploring Hot Pursuits in Portugal and Canada. In this respect, her free traits have fostered new competencies that may not otherwise have been explored. Free traits are strategic enactments designed to advance core projects. This requires the joint competencies of self-regulation and eco-setting management. How do we negotiate our fidelity to three compelling and potentially conflicting sources of the self? Little, B. R., & Ryan, T. J. Journal of Personality, 44, 541–559. George’s personality traits represent the highly creative professionals studied in the classic Berkeley studies (MacKinnon, 1962). 81–116). Figure 2: Traits, contexts and personal projects: The case of George. The social ecological framework and the constructs of personal projects and free traits provide a perspective on aspects of personality and motivation that are somewhat different from conventional views. Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates. In B. R. Little, K. Salmela-Aro, & S. D. Phillips (Eds. To understand such core projects and free traits, we need to reconsider some of the tacit assumptions underlying the study of personality and motivation and adopt new constructs that pose different questions. Blogs are the original side project and what many people think of when they consider starting one—so we figured we’d start there, too. Salmela-Aro, K. (1992). There is substantial cross-cultural agreement about human traits, their content, structure, and consequences (e.g., Ashton & Lee, 2007; Goldberg, 2006; Hogan, 2005). She sits in her cubicle and gets ready to be ‘on’ as the outgoing and assertive Liz. Are some traits, such as those having higher biogenic strength, less easy to adopt as free traits? Little, B. R. (1983). Sources of free trait enactment: Biogenic, sociogenic, and idiogenic selves. PERSONAL PROJECTS ANALYSIS© Module 1: Project Elicitation 4. There seem to be no major distortions in how he perceives the eco-settings of his life and their objective reality. She is high on openness to experience, but not off the chart as George is. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology. Little, B. R. (1987). Personality science and personal projects: Six impossible things before breakfast. PPA was influential in stimulating research on goal pursuit in the fields of personality, social, clinical, organizational and developmental psychology. Little, B. R., & Gee, T. L. (2007b). We do not see those who act out of character as stand up chameleons, as superficial role players or as annoying error variance. What about George’s personality and projects? Managing one’s social ecology requires skills such as conveying why one’s projects are worth supporting and ensuring that key supporters are themselves supported in the venture. 1. Wegner, D. (1994). Hillsdale, NJ: Erlbaum. Personal projects and free traits: Mutable selves and well beings. Personal projects as compensatory convictions: Passionate pursuit and the fugitive self. New York, NY: Guilford. Klinger, E. (1977). Second, this has a positive impact on Traq – the team is a clear beneficiary when Liz is ‘on’. In M. Cox & E. Klinger (Eds. Journal of Psychology, 136, 521– 532. In D. Buss & N. Cantor (Eds. Liz could crank out code faster and more accurately than George and she had the social skills to entertain clients, attend civic events on behalf of the firm, and generally be the highly visible partner on the team, leaving George to be, quite literally, the silent partner. George’s creative success at Traq and his puzzlement over Elizabeth will also be focal concerns of this article. . Personal projects: A rationale and method for investigation. Their discussion weaves around many topics but the dominant theme is their common project of applying to graduate school in psychology. (Mischel’s (1968) critique, which launched the debate, and reactions to it are discussed in a later section). Part of the shared game plan is to respect George’s need to be alone, and they are open-minded about his closed door. 51–93). Conventional trait theory postulates a general concordance between geno- typic dispositions and phenotypic behavior. Continue reading →. In this respect, it contrasts most strongly with conventional trait psychology. To provide concrete instances of these constructs in action, we will focus on George’s personal projects and on Elizabeth’s free traits. ), Handbook of Motivational Counseling: Concepts, Approaches and Assessment (pp. But our two major propositions – having sustainable core projects and managing free traits without burning out – will help explain why every- thing is on hold at Traq this Thursday afternoon. She is, after all, a founding partner of the firm, not simply one of the team, some- thing that George, in his myopic zeal for his creative projects has ignored. The focus of goal constructs is primarily on internal, cognitive, and representational issues. Difficulty 8. To the extent that free trait behavior is intrinsically regulated rather than externally controlled this should facilitate adoption (Deci & Ryan, 1985). Elizabeth and George will be invoked as plausible exemplars to make this body of theory, method, and research more vivid and to stimulate conceptual and applied explorations. In some senses, the answer to the question ‘how’s life?’ derives from an appraisal of how one’s projects are coming along. Second, personal projects challenge traditional units of analysis in the study of both personality and motivation. Box E comprises units of analysis that focus upon daily activities and pursuits. An analysis of personal project commitment. First Published 2014. Les passions de l’Âme: on obsessive and harmonious passion. Explorations on the meaning of psychological well-being. It's the doings that we have in our life — the personal projects. In: Brandtstadter, J, Lerner, RM (eds) Action and Self-Development: Theory and Research through the Life Span, pp. They range from micro-level situations, through meso-level behavior settings to macro-level economic and political conditions (Little, 1987, 2000b; Little & Ryan, 1979). Doing it all Bass-Ackwards: The development of hierarchical factor structures from the top down. Minneapolis, MN: University of Minnesota Press. New York, NY: Morrow. New York, NY: Springer-Verlag. Ashton, M. C., & Lee, K. (2007). Perceived life satisfaction and the organization of personal project systems. Brian R. Little Carleton University Personal Projects Analysis (B. R. Little, 1983) was adapted to examine relations between participants' appraisals of their goal characteristics and orthogonal happiness and meaning factors that emerged from factor analyses of diverse well-being measures. (1990). 375–400). Meaning and Void: Inner Experiences and the Incentives in People’s Lives. Since our lives are very complex, you may not be sure of exactly how you’re feeling or how well you’re doing. Among those arising from external, contextual generated sources are normative life tasks (Cantor, Norem, Niedenthal, Langston, & Brower, 1987). W. B. Walsh, K. H. Craik, & R. Price (Eds. He lives in an upper middle class area of a thriving city in an apartment that he shares with Elizabeth. Such contextual influences may promote a flour- ishing life or make it utterly miserable. Most important, in terms of recent research (Little & Grant, 2007), he feels that his project pursuits are emotionally supported by those around him, particularly Elizabeth. Goal appraisals and vulnerability to bipolar disorder: A personal projects analysis. Individuals do have the capacity to withstand or subvert the claims of behavior settings and to change micro-level situational pressures. We have also proposed that sustainable pursuit of core projects should be based on an accurate reading of one’s eco-setting resources and constraints (Little, 1999b). Little, B. R. (1976). First, it advances core projects. Relative to those who are less introverted, her performance drops when stimulation is increased by noise level, increased pace of work, or too many cups of coffee. A hierarchical model of approach and avoidance achievement motivation. Or perhaps more tellingly, what has she been doing to herself? Sutton, R. I. Maintaining norms about expressed emotions: The case of bill collectors. You are especially likely to be happier if your personal projects feel attainable. Psychological Review, 66, 297–333. Journal of Research in Personality, 40, 551–572. Bono, J. E., & Vey, M. A. She suddenly bolts from the group realizing she’s late for her stats class. New York, NY: Plenum. Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum & Associates. But evidence to date suggests that it offers a viable extension to and in some senses alternative to orthodox trait theory. Personal projects and other PAC units, since their inception, have been effective predictors of human well-being and flourishing (Little, 1989; Palys & Little, 1983). Figure 2: PPA Rating Matrix: How do you feel about what you are doing? Personal project pursuit: On human doings and well beings. Sociogenic sources comprise norms, rules, and scripts, and they, too, may elicit action without conscious activity. Perceived life satisfaction and the organization of personal project systems. Those who only see her when she is ‘on’ will be skeptical of those who talk about her quieter, more introverted nature. Little, B. R., Lecci, L., & Watkinson, B. (2007). Côté, S., & Moskowitz, D. S. (1998). Wish you could be my psychologist! George is concerned, of course, about Elizabeth – she is a vital part of his life, and her well- being is a core project for him. Free traits, personal projects and idio-tapes: Three tiers for personality research. (1992). This means that using personal projects analysis allows the investigator to examine cognitive, affective, behavioural, and contextual features of everyday action with the same assessment instrument. This software is provided ‘as is’, and the authors make no representations or warranties, express or implied. 193–212). In the original set of proposals about free traits, I talked about the importance of individuals having a restorative niche in which their biogenic natures might be nurtured (Little, 1996). She mumbles something they can’t quite hear and heads for the restroom. The blend of colors in the box of Personal Projects represents its fusion of both person features in red and contextual features (in orange). Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 53, 1178–1191. Rather, Elizabeth’s adopting of this script is far from automatic. In L. A. Pervin & O. P. John (Eds. Personality and emotional performance: Extraversion, neuroticism, and self-monitoring. A biogenic introvert acting in an extraverted manner so as to advance a core project of ‘keeping our clients happy’ is engaging in free-traited behavior. Phillips, S. D., Little, B. R., & Goodine, L. A. Areas of current research interest: Personal Projects Analysis Little created Personal Projects Analysis (PPA) as a general methodology for examining the daily pursuits of individuals and groups. Specialization and the varieties of environmental experience: Empirical studies within the personality paradigm. Few, if any, have connected with the audience with the ease that you did. Influence of extraversion and neuroticism on subjective well-being: Happy and unhappy people. Psychological Inquiry, 4, 278–281. Journal of Personality, 44, 541–559. Meyer, B., Beevers, C. G., & Johnson, S. L. (2004). To be adored or to be known? Health, happiness, and a broad spectrum of competencies, including impacts of individuals on their environments, are among the features we explore in Block F. Both subjective evaluations of well-being are assessed and hard indicators such as biological markers of healthy pregnancy, profit margins in entrepreneurial ventures, and academic and work performance (Little & Grant, 2007). Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 44, 1221–1230. Brian Little 13,576,541 views • 15:15. Elizabeth overloads easily, but unlike George, she can’t simply bolt from social functions. Her reputation as gregarious, over-the-top, effervescent Liz is more complex. On the assumption that Elizabeth has, with the exception of a growing stress level, all of the attributes that facilitate free trait adoption, we can turn to the impact of engaging in free traits on her quality of life. ), Theoretical Perspectives in Environment-Behavior Research (pp. Quality of lives: The varieties of well beings. 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